Thursday, December 5, 2019

Lorde/ella is a new Zealand singer. when it comes to singing she's great. see Royals. this is my first summer learning journey at activity.

Friday, October 18, 2019

the pool movie

today my class went to the pool to make a movie first we played in the length pool we went in the hydroslide it was so fun. we all had turns with the gopro at the end of your spin around to make a whirlpool. we also went for a free ride.  

Friday, August 9, 2019

week 3 goal reflection

========================================================================my goal is to get bronze every week and silver two in a term i am  meting the bronze goal but not the silver i think that i can do this goal by  being on track and doing my must dos first

Friday, July 26, 2019

my goal

  My goal is to get silver oe bronze every week in the term  I'm going to achieve this goal by getting bronze it least 2 times a day I will achieve this goal both of them
That's my goal.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

tupu a nuku

And today we went to go Weed And plant  for the matariki see you then and it was really fun we had someone come in to help us know and I got kicked out of the green shed I Mean my whole entire group did  and then we planted Pumpkin seeds and some bean seed and I got black in the shed kick Out the other group that kicked us out first It was a great day And I loved it. thank you it was great But it was  cold I can't wait to do that again hopefully on a sunny day because I was quite disappointing I can't wait till we do it again next term I hope next time we can do something a little bit exciting it we couldn't go in the big garden because it's been sprayed  so we probably shouldn't my favourite thing was definitely reading we found one snail which we've gone bye bye!!! worms helped us and we found four of them all together we Only Got two put in our Green house. but it was so fun I can't wait to do it again like I already said

Thursday, June 13, 2019

school made burger's

On Monday we made burgers by following instructions, Some of them are quite weird and some of them turned out quite well. I was real easy because we really just need to follow the instructions And the burgers were delicious. I like my Burger, I didn't really make my instructions properly so it came out kind of weird.The Onion And the burger Patty We're on top of the Burger bun. But I just put it back together Normally. I accidentally Made to burgers. And I really really really enjoy it. It was so fun

Mintie Challenge

minty challenge.
it was hard trying not to rip the packet of the minty.
I like that That I did not rip The minty rapper and I came out with pretty long mintie wrapper.

Skipping last I could have gotten a better place.Next time I would hope that I made It a little bit skinnier  
 and it would be a little bit longer so I would have come in a higher place and not Last!
Instead of getting last I could have got a better place like maybe 3rd


going to the power stainon

On Tuesday 9 p.m. we will have a big hill to the Greymouth Power Station We met up with a man  call cosmin And he showed us around the Greymouth Power Station He told us that you have to wear safety equipment and you can't just go in if you have that you have to be Praying for it but it was super call from Justin telling what was it just from around the side he told us that the power generators could hold 400 volts and we could play with the brain boxes\Circuit and he Show  us a slide show about power and how to be safe around it you told us that if there's a falling down power pole It could be active for you cos you could die so make sure you get a parent to figure it out. He also told us what electricity was there was two types of electricity 1 is static electricity and 1 is current electricit. static electricity build up in one place and current electricity  movies

Monday, May 13, 2019

Book Week 2019

                                           book week                                                                                   
   The three things i enjoyed was the golden ticket, Watching Narnia and Book character day

I dressed up as James Bond I do not no my dad Just picked it out

I just want to do the golden ticket maybe some more stuff next year 

I don't know what I'm going to be but I do know that I will be Something That no one else will be on Book character day

One thing i found hard was, I don't know probably dressing up for Book Character day The shoes Was so so so so so Tight!

Friday, April 5, 2019

cool camp

WALT Write an interesting recount.

 I found this activity hard because there was too much writing and it was hard but l liked the activity because I got to put in pictures. My next step learning is to not mess around so I can get my work completed to a high standard.


Friday, March 1, 2019